In January of 2020, Tremont Sheldon P.C. filed lawsuits on behalf of three women who were sexually abused by their theater director, Daniel Checovetes, while they were minors. The lawsuits were filed in Waterbury Superior Court against Naugatuck Teen Theater, Landmark...
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Sexual Abuse
Can I file a civil suit if there is a criminal case for sexual abuse?
If you or your child becomes the victim of sexual abuse, there are a number of options available for contacting law enforcement or specialized organizations to ensure that you get the help you need and that your abuser sees justice. You also have the right to pursue...
Woman Makes $10 Million Demand for Sexual Assault by Trumbull Police Officer
Police officers and police departments are supposed to enforce the law and serve the communities they work in. Unfortunately, some lose sight of this. Here in Connecticut, former police officer William Ruscoe sexually abused and assaulted a teenage girl he was...
Tremont Sheldon, P.C., files sexual abuse lawsuits against state theater director
Well known for its zealous representation of sexual abuse victims, the law firm of this month filed three lawsuits against Daniel Checovetes, long-time director within Massachusetts’s community theater circuit, on behalf of three female...
Massage Therapist Sexually Assaulted 2 Clients: Shelton Police
Shelton, CT - A 53-year-old male massage therapist was arrested by Shelton police early Tuesday accused of sexually assaulting two female clients in May at the Coco Spa on Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton. To read the full article, please click here If this has happened...
Everyone’s favorite teacher violated state code of ethics in sex assault case
People need to know that state and district policies forbid teachers from spending time alone with students off site. The Bethel school board needs to do a better job enforcing these policies including making teachers and students aware of them. By Nelson Oliveira...
Stratford Teacher Charged with Sex Assault
Michelle Sulzicki, a teacher at the Chapel Elementary School in Stratford, CT, has been arrested and charged with sexually assaulting one of her students. It is alleged that she began sexually assaulting the boy when he was 12. Police sources have indicated that the...
Who is a mandated reporter in Connecticut?
By law in Connecticut, people in certain professions and occupations that have contact with children or whose primary focus is children must report suspected child abuse or neglect (CGS § 17a-101). These are called mandated reporters and they must make the...
Bridgeport Priest Named In Sixth Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
Victim was an altar boy in the 70s and 80s when assaults occurred Father Walter Phillip Coleman, who once served as priest of St. Patrick Parish, now known as The Cathedral Parish, of Bridgeport, has been named in yet another sexual abuse lawsuit. To date, five...
St. Vincent’s Medical Center facing sexual assault lawsuit
Hospitals are places where the sick go to heal and get better. No one expects to be a victim of a sexual assault while they are ill and in a vulnerable state. Our Bridgeport, Connecticut, residents may find it alarming to learn that recently, a former patient at St....