In Connecticut, residents have the right to sue corporations, companies or individuals if they feel they have been harmed or injured by them. One important thing to know is that there is often a statute of limitations that limits how much time can pass between an...
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Medical Malpractice
Sexual abuse and assault at hospitals in Connecticut on the rise
People who are admitted to hospitals in Connecticut expect that they will receive the medical treatment they need, get time to recover and then be discharged without incident. However, a recent report indicates that patients may have something to worry about besides...
How much gets paid out in Connecticut medical malpractice?
This blog has talked about the many facets of medical malpractice cases in Connecticut. We've discussed the basics of negligence and how professional negligence standards differ from the normal ones. We've touched on some of the procedural requirements for filing a...
Is there a time limit in Connecticut for medical malpractice cases?
States like Connecticut often have conflicting policy outcomes that need to be reconciled when they are passing laws that affect their citizens. For example, states have an interest in protecting vulnerable people, like patients with medical problems, from being...
What is a ‘good faith certificate’ in Connecticut malpractice?
Mistakes made by medical professionals can have devastating consequences. Despite their years of training, doctors and other people in the health care industry make errors that can harm their patients. In such situations, patients harmed by a medical professional's...