Your trusted partner in Personal Injury cases in Connecticut since 1960.  Let us help you handle It.

Connecticut Personal Injury Attorneys Tremont Sheldon PC

Woman Referred to Tremont Sheldon P.C. by Her Lawyer and Receives Settlement of $280,000 After Almost Settling for $1,500

A woman was on the verge of settling her motor vehicle case directly with the insurance company for $1,500 when her family lawyer referred her to Tremont Sheldon P.C. for consultation. The woman received injuries to her neck and back in a minor rear-end crash and initially sought treatment with her chiropractor. Almost a year after the collision, however, her neck problems became much worse, requiring her to have an MRI which showed a disc herniation. She underwent spinal surgery almost two years after the initial collision. Her neurosurgeon felt that her neck problems and the surgery were related to the trauma of the collision and she ended up resolving her case for $280,000.